I just took the website, for the world that my novel is set in, live. It has been a long time coming and I’m not sure that I haven’t just bitten off more than I can chew.
It is currently 8 pages in length, but is set to be a hundred or more over time. I’ve created it to look like a bunch of newsletters. Each page has a little flash movie on the top for navigation, and then one or more pages that “page in” when the navigation is pressed. Each page is an In Design page that has been saved as a flash movie.
I’ve set it up so that everything is linked through one PHP page. This way it should be easy for me to update the site by adding pages. The links are all embedded in the flash movies and In Design documents.
The questions is, will this be easer than just doing a WordPress page? The problem I see it that there is no way for people to leave comments, but people can leave comments here about that site.
Look for more to come soon.