Vodka Lamp #2

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I was busy this last weekend, or rather not busy, so I created four different lamps – Here’s the third one. I posted two other yesterday. Continuing on the cheap vodka lamp series, I also received an empty New Amsterdam Vodka bottle.

The thing that intrigued me was the way the bottle has trapezoids where one gets bigger at the top and the other at the bottom. I tried to reflect that in the shade. I like the way it came out, but I think I’ll do another one and make the ones with the smaller bottoms even smaller. The challenge was to keep the top of the shade smaller than the bottom.

What do you think? Did I capture the feel of the bottle?


Vodka Lamp #1

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I haven’t finished my Tequila Lamp series yet, but the opportunity presented itself (an empty bottle) so I couldn’t say no (since my tequila bottles sill have tequila in them.)

I started with the shade I did for the Tonala bottle and made it into an eight sided pyramid. I had a fit problem with the first pieces I cut, because the angles are different and so the lengths of the sides have to be different. I also need to seal the inside so the light doesn’t shine through on the edges. Do they make black caulk?

I took the mountain from the bottle, as well as the name. I stained the bottle blue to match the blue glass of the bottle (which is almost lost in the yellow of the light. I might replace it with a white LED bulb.

It may not be the best vodka to drink, but the bottle is cool.


Tequila Lamp #6

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Lamp number six in the tequila-lamp series is finished.
This one has a more traditional four sided pyramid shaped lampshade. I took the hand painted agave from the Tonala tequila bottle and put it on the shaded. On the bottle, the agave goes around the corner. I thought about doing that on the shade, but decided that might be too much reflecting of the bottle.
I made the shade and put it on the bottle, but decided it looked funny being so short, so I created a 3 inch raiser to go between the bottle and the shade. Much better.
It makes me a little sad that I created the lamp before I had even opened the bottle. The label on the bottle talked about how classy it would be to server the Tonala from the glazed pottery bottle (glazed inside and out) with hand painted agave on it. The tequila is now sitting on the shelf in the pantry, in a generic clear glass bottle.
The things we have to do for our art.


Tequila Lamp 3 Update

I final got the bulb for my third lamp – but, of course, it didn’t work. I design my lamp for a Channeler bulb (a T16 base). That’s what the webpage said i was and that’s what I bought. What came is a standard base (T26) so it didn’t fit. Friday I received the socket reducer which allows me to screw the bulb in.

Turns out that the bigger base caused another problem; the hold in the bottom of the shade is smaller the the base by 1/8″. This means the shade has to be put in first then the bulb slid down inside the shade and then somehow the build has to be turned to screw in. I ended up putting electrical tape on the bulb to have something to hold onto.

I like the final results. The bulb goes all the way to the top of the shade. About 1/4″ from the top, just above the top circle you can see int he picture. There isa  little dark zone at the very bottom where the socket reducer is, but all in all, I think it came out well.

I also like the pattern it makes on the wall.